Friday, February 24, 2023



Have you put on a lot of weight over the years? Are you wondering where the cheeky teenager who could eat and drink anything without wearing or pounding has gone? Has "maybe tomorrow" become your mantra when you're thinking about taking action? Or have you sadly accepted that now you and I are ready to change and are busy?

Let me tell you that you are not with the right choices. It's not easy and nothing is if you want to experience success. There are a lot of promises about a staple diet or just doing one exercise and you will look like a picture, it is not true. I regret to inform you that it takes time, effort and above all mental discipline.                                         

Six years ago my weight had reached 83.5kg, the heaviest I had ever been, and at 44 it was becoming increasingly difficult to move. I looked around for a good gym offer and found a great deal. The only problem is that I find it hard to motivate myself to go. Yes it was easy to start after the induction you want to go in but after a few weeks I just wanted to go home after work and it was very crowded in the morning. How much extra money did I waste before cancelling? Does that story sound familiar?

Why don't you try running? One of the first things I discovered was the Couch-to-5K app. It is very exhilarating and starts with a split of running and walking till the 5km goal is reached. Running time is increased when running with 3 scheduled runs a week.

The next step is 5K Park Run, a global organization that inspires people. On Saturdays at 7am people of all ages, sizes and abilities gather at the start line. They track your progress and publish the results that morning. You can keep track of PB's and how you do against the competition.

After a short walk with a park run, the next step is to enter an organized program. They are well organized and have different distances to sign up for. This is an ideal opportunity to try the 10km. You have a specific date to target and can upgrade your training accordingly. The feeling one gets after covering 10 kms is amazing.

what next? You can enter more events trying to beat your 10K best time, but what about a half marathon. When you do these events you'll see half marathon runners come in and think "I can do that." And you can, it's just another goal to aim for. It will take some more training but you will get there.

Remember that the first person you're competing against is you, and you didn't get here just to get here.

Or have you sadly accepted that now you and I are ready to change and are busy? It's not easy and nothing is if you want to experience success. There are a lot of promises about a staple diet or just doing one exercise and you will look like a picture, it is not true. I regret to inform you that it takes time, effort and above all mental discipline. Yes it was easy to start after the induction you want to go in but after a few weeks I just wanted to go home after work and it was very crowded in the morning. It is very exhilarating and starts with a split of running and walking till the 5km goal is reached. You can keep track of PB's and how you do against the competition. You have a specific date to target and can upgrade your training accordingly. And you can, it's just another goal to aim for. Remember that the first person you are competing against is you, and you did not get here just to get here.

You have a specific date to target and can upgrade your training accordingly. It's not easy and nothing is if you want to experience success. Remember that the first person you are competing against is you, and you did not get here just to get here. And you can, it's just another goal to aim for.Or Or have you sadly accepted that now you and I are ready to change and are busy? It is very exhilarating and starts with a split of running and walking till the 5km goal is reached. There are a lot of promises about a staple diet or just doing one exercise and you will look like a picture, it is not true. You can keep track of PB's and how you do against the competition.

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