Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Detailed History of ProNail Complex

A Detailed History of ProNail Complex

A Detailed History of ProNail Complex
A Detailed History of ProNail Complex


ProNail Complex is a revolutionary product in the realm of nail and skin care. This meticulously crafted natural formula combines potent oils and skin-repairing vitamins to provide comprehensive care for nails and surrounding skin. Developed by doctors, this mist spray releases ingredients in the form of microparticles, ensuring deep penetration and effective results. This detailed history delves into the origins, formulation, development, and impact of ProNail Complex.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Future of Nail and Skin Health

ProNail Complex: The Future of Nail and Skin Health

The Future of Nail and Skin Health
The Future of Nail and Skin Health

An In-depth Examination of Ingredients, Benefits, and the Latest Data on This Innovative Mist Spray


In the realm of personal care, the focus often leans heavily toward skincare and haircare, leaving nail health as an afterthought. However, the health of our nails and the surrounding skin is a crucial indicator of our overall well-being. The ProNail Complex, a doctor-formulated mist spray, is designed to address this often-overlooked aspect of personal care. By combining extremely potent oils and skin-repairing vitamins, ProNail Complex offers a comprehensive solution for maintaining healthy nails and skin. This article provides a detailed overview of the latest data, product details, and benefits of ProNail Complex, highlighting its unique formulation and innovative delivery system.

Monday, April 3, 2023


Why should you stretch before a workout?

Stretching is an important and necessary part of any exerciseprogram, especially movement exercises, as flexibility is considered one of the five most important aspects of an individual's health. It should be included in the regular training routine and the main reasons are:

Reduced risk of injury

When a person is flexible they reduce their risk of injury from wide range of motion and this allows you to safely increase your joint motion and range of motion.

Stretching helps prevent degeneration of your joints and muscles.

Stretching loosens your muscles and prepares the body for the effects of exercise; This reduces the chance of injury. A strong muscle that is already stretched is better able to resist tension than an unstretched muscle.

Stretching helps improve posture, especially by stretching the shoulders, chest, and lower back. The flexibility gained from stretching the hip flexors, hamstrings, and muscles associated with the pelvis helps relieve pressure on the spine and back nerves, reducing the likelihood of lower back pain.

Stress levels in the body can decrease with stretching because they hold less tension as they warm up, allowing your muscles to relax properly. Muscles that are constantly tense cut off their own blood circulation leading to oxygen starvation and damage.

Stretching helps increase blood supply to all parts of the body, especially muscles and joints. It provides essential nutrients to reach the required places quickly and efficiently.

Mobility stretches improve the mechanical efficiency and function of the joints because it makes them more energy efficient, they will improve your "body awareness" and increase your body's ability to 

Exercise stretching post

Post-exercise stretching or maintenance exercises are now considered as important as pre-exercise stretches. Stretching the muscles used during your workout session brings the muscles back to their normal length, which can help reduce any potential soreness or stiffness as it reduces the tightness and stiffness that often occurs during exercise. Reduces the inhibitory effect.

Typically, a maintenance stretch is held for 0 to 5 seconds and repeated five to ten times.

It is often important for women because it helps prevent or reduce the chance of dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation).

You should avoid stretching

If you have recently had a bone fracture, strain, sprain, or strain without the guidance of your health care provider, such as a physiotherapist.

If you have any symptoms of osteoporosis or suffer from arthritis or other forms of arthritis.

If you experience any unusual pain when you move a joint or strain a muscle.

Stretching is an important and necessary part of any exerciseprogram, especially movement exercises, as flexibility is considered one of the five most important aspects of an individual's health. It should be included in the regular training routine and the main reasons are: Reduced risk of injury When a person is flexible they reduce their risk of injury from wide range of motion and this allows you to safely increase your joint motion and range of motion. Stretching helps prevent degeneration of your joints and muscles. Stretching loosens your muscles and prepares the body for the effects of exercise; This reduces the chance of injury. The flexibility gained from stretching the hip flexors, hamstrings, and muscles associated with the pelvis helps relieve pressure on the spine and back nerves, reducing the likelihood of lower back pain. Stretching helps increase blood supply to all parts of the body, especially muscles and joints. Mobility stretches improve the mechanical efficiency and function of the joints because it makes them more energy efficient, they will improve your "body awareness" and increase your body's ability to Exercise stretching post Post-exercise stretching or maintenance exercises are now considered as important as pre-exercise stretches. Stretching the muscles used during your workout session brings the muscles back to their normal length, which can help reduce any potential soreness or stiffness as it reduces the tightness and stiffness that often occurs during exercise. It is often important for women because it helps prevent or reduce the chance of dysmenorrhea. You should avoid stretching If you have recently had a bone fracture, strain, sprain, or strain without the guidance of your health care provider, such as a physiotherapist.

Stretching helps increase blood supply to all parts of the body, especially muscles and joints. Stretching helps prevent degeneration of your joints and muscles.Stretching Stretching is an important and necessary part of any exerciseprogram, especially movement exercises, as flexibility is considered one of the five most important aspects of an individual's health.Stretching loosens your muscles and prepares the body for the effects of exercise; This reduces the chance of injury. It is often important for women because it helps prevent or reduce the chance of dysmenorrhea. You should avoid stretching If you have recently had a bone fracture, strain, sprain, or strain without the guidance of your health care provider, such as a physiotherapist.

Sunday, March 26, 2023



Rolling out your fascia can be a great addition to any workout routine. We are still studying the science behind fascia and how it affects our workouts. You can include any exercise in your workout routine that will work your fascia. Below is a list of some of the best exercises to stretch your fascia. You can add any of these to your workout routine to work your fascia.

Crunches- When you do a good crunch, you are using your midsection muscles throughout your body. Also, a good crunch can exercise your abdominal muscles for a longer period of time.

Medicine Ball / Trampoline Swings – Medicine balls are great because you can target different parts of your body. When you swing the medicine ball you can aim for the back of your upper torso and the front of your lower torso. When you swing on a trampoline, you target your core muscles. These are exercises you can do anytime that will exercise your lower trunk muscles.

You can find other good exercises and tools to work your fascia. Most fascia rolling equipment will come with a guide, so it's very easy to understand and follow.

* Pilates workout routine: Like the medicine ball, you can use your Pilates routine to target your fascia. Pilates can be done in your living room or at the gym. With Pilates, you can do abdominal twists or pelvic tilts. With this routine, you work your midsection with your arms or legs. You can also use your Pilates fitness band to help with this routine. 

You can use gym equipment such as stability balls or medicine balls to perform pelvic tilts. 

I'm going to list some exercises that I think are really good for rolling your fascia and that will work your lower torso muscles. You can use these exercises at home or at the gym. Also, you can use these exercises even if you are not in the gym. When you work out with these exercises you need to make sure your muscles are warmed up before starting your regular workout.

You can include any exercise in your workout routine that will work your fascia. You can add any of these to your workout routine to work your fascia. Crunches- When you do a good crunch, you are using your midsection muscles throughout your body. When you swing the medicine ball you can aim for the back of your upper torso and the front of your lower torso. When you swing on a trampoline, you target your core muscles. These are exercises you can do anytime that will exercise your lower trunk muscles. You can find other good exercises and tools to work your fascia. Most fascia rolling equipment will come with a guide, so it's very easy to understand and follow.* Pilates workout routine: Like the medicine ball, you can use your Pilates routine to target your fascia. You can also use your Pilates fitness band to help with this routine. When you work out with these exercises you need to make sure your muscles are warmed up before starting your regular workout.

workout routine that will work your fascia. When you swing the medicine ball you can aim for the back of your upper torso and the front of your lower torso. You can find other good exercises and tools to work your fascia.When you work out with these exercises you need to make sure your muscles are warmed up before starting your regular workout. These are exercises you can do anytime that will exercise your lower trunk muscles. Most fascia rolling equipment will come with a guide, so it's very easy to understand and follow.* Pilates workout routine: Like the medicine ball, you can use your Pilates routine to target your fascia.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

AI Technology Will Detect The Disease Stealing Eyesight

AI technology will detect the disease stealing eyesight in minutes, treatment will be easy

Now you don't have to worry about getting tested for glaucoma, a dangerous disease of the eyes. Scientists from the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore have developed a special technology in collaboration with Tan Tok Seng Hospital (TTSH). Through this technique, glaucoma can be detected just by taking a picture of your eye. This technology works on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Under this, pictures of the eye are taken with the help of two different cameras.

Under this technique, 2D photos of the eye are taken from the left and right sides. Through these scientists developed 3D pictures. Through a certain algorithm decided by the scientists, glaucoma could be detected through this picture. Glaucoma is a dangerous disease of the eyes. If not treated on time, the eyesight also goes away. Through this technique, glaucoma is detected in the optical nerve of the eye. Through this technique, scientists have got accurate results in 97 percent of cases of glaucoma patients. According to a report, there were about 76 million glaucoma patients in the world in 2020. Their number could reach 111.8 million in 2040.

Dr. Surendra Pandav of PGI Chandigarh says that Glaucoma is such a disease of the eyes, which is very difficult to detect in time. It does not have such symptoms that it can be recognized immediately by looking at it. At the same time, specialists are also needed to identify this disease. In such a situation, the treatment of many patients of glaucoma can be started when the disease has progressed significantly. In such a situation, artificial intelligence technology can prove to be very effective in detecting this disease.

According to the scientists of Nanyang Technological University, the benefit of this technique can be availed on a large scale in such areas where the facility of ophthalmologists is not available. Leonard Yippo, the co-author of this research, in developing countries like India, up to 90 percent of glaucoma patients are not diagnosed on time and do not get timely treatment. On the other hand, glaucoma testing machines are very expensive. In such a situation, it is not easy to test patients on a large scale in small places. At the same time, a lot of time is spent examining the retina of a person. In such a situation, this AI technology can greatly benefit patients.

According to Wang Lipo, associate professor at NTU School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and lead author of this study, our team has developed a special screening model through machine learning technology. Through this technique, the disease can be detected only from the picture of the eye. The use of this technology will completely eliminate the need for ophthalmologists. Until now, ophthalmologists used to measure eye pressure in many ways to diagnose this disease.

Through the algorithm used by the scientists under AI technology to detect this disease, the resolution of the picture comes to 70 when the picture of the patient's eyes is taken, while the resolution of the picture comes to 212 when the picture of the eyes of a healthy person is taken.

According to lead author Wang Lipo, the results obtained through this AI technology were tremendous. However, we are working to improve the algorithm further by using this technique on more patients. He said that our model has proved that AI technology can be used better in the identification and investigation of different diseases. It will be very cheap too.

 In such a situation, this technology can be of great benefit in the field of primary health care.

This problem occurs in this disease-

The fluid remains inside the eye. This is extremely important for the eye. It is formed on its own and exits through the very tiny hole. Sometimes the fluid stops flowing, due to which the pressure on the optic nerve that sends the message to the brain goes on increasing. Sometimes the nerve itself gets damaged, which affects the ability to see.

This disease is not easily caught-

According to ophthalmologists, there is no pain of any kind in glaucoma. Slowly the light fades away. The eyes are examined through the visual field. In its initial symptoms, it is visible right in front of the eye, but the right and left side starts getting affected.

what are the symptoms?

- Sometimes the eyes become very red

- Sometimes there is severe pain in the head

- The patient has difficulty in focusing his eyes on any object.

- The number of glasses changes frequently.

vital figures

4.5 million people worldwide have lost their eyesight due to glaucoma, according to WHO

1.2 million people have lost their eyesight due to glaucoma in India

In more than 90% of cases, the disease of glaucoma is not detected in time.

The risk of this disease is higher in those above 60 years of age.

By 2050, about 1.5 billion people in the world, accounting for 15.3% of the world's population, may have glaucoma. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

How Antibiotics may cause deadly fungal infections in hospitalised patients?

 Antibiotics may cause deadly fungal infections in hospitalised patients

How Antibiotics may cause deadly fungal infections in hospitalised patients?

Deadly fungal infections in hospitalised patients

Patients who have been prescribed antibiotics in hospitals to prevent sepsis and other bacterial infections have an increased risk of developing an infectious disease called candidiasis due to the body's immune system being compromised in the mouth, a new study warns.

It is well known that the gut microbiome carries a life cycle called chronology when exposed to antibiotics.

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But a study by scientists from the University of Birmingham in the UK and the US National Institutes of Health found that antibiotics disrupt the body's immune system in the mouth, which means that infections in this area are not well managed.

The team also found that when bacterial infections occur, intestinal bacteria can also escape, leading to a sudden onset of bacterial infections.

While the study, published in Cell Host and Microbe, showed the potential of anti-inflammatory drugs, the researchers said their work also highlights how anti-inflammatory drugs can exist. additional effects on our bodies, affecting the way we fight disease and illness.

Therefore, it is emphasized the need to carefully conserve available chemicals.

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"We have found that antibiotics increase the risk of infection, but the acquisition of infectious bacteria that can occur through contact with these intestines is shocking, by recognizing the head. With these things, doctors will be able to treat these patients more effectively. "

In the study, the team used mice to treat alcoholism and the following animal diseases Candida albicans, the main fat that causes malignant candidiasis in humans. They found that although the affected mice had increased mortality, this was caused by disease in the stomach, not the kidneys or other organs.

In addition, the team reported that parts of the immune system were lost through the gut after antibiotic treatment, then returned to mice taking the medication. They found that this method helped reduce the severity of infections.

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The researchers followed up the model by examining clinical data, which allowed them to show that similar infections can occur in people after treatment with antibiotics.

An estimated 1.2 million people worldwide will die from infectious diseases by 2019, and this number is expected to tenfold by 2050.

Kolmin Healthcare - Skin Guard Cream - Ayurveda Fungicid Anti Fungal, Antibacterial Gel/Cream for All Type of Fungal Infections for Men & Women - 30gm (2)

Kolmin Healthcare - Skin Guard Cream - Ayurveda Fungicid Anti Fungal, Antibacterial Gel/Cream for All Type of Fungal Infections for Men & Women - 30gm (2)

Patients who have been prescribed antibiotics in hospitals to prevent sepsis and other bacterial infections have an increased risk of developing an infectious disease called candidiasis due to the body's immune system being compromised in the mouth, a new study warns. But a study by scientists from the University of Birmingham in the UK and the US National Institutes of Health found that antibiotics disrupt the body's immune system in the mouth, which means that infections in this area are not well managed. We have found that antibiotics increase the risk of infection, but the acquisition of infectious bacteria that can occur through contact with these intestines is shocking, by recognizing the head.
New Studies "Show Impact of Antibiotic Use in Patients at Risk for Infectious Diseases," Drs. Drummond. "If we limit or change the way we administer antibiotics, we can help reduce the number of people who become seriously ill from these co-diseases — and address the growing problem and growing resistance to antibiotics." IANS


How to USE Antibiotics Safely | Avoid Side effects | Dr.Education Hindi Eng


SOURCE :- TRIBUNEPatients who have been prescribed antibiotics in hospitals to prevent sepsis and other bacterial infections have an increased risk of developing an infectious disease called candidiasis due to the body's immune system being compromised in the mouth, a new study warns. But a study by scientists from the University of Birmingham in the UK and the US National Institutes of Health found that antibiotics disrupt the body's immune system in the mouth, which means that infections in this area are not well managed. We have found that antibiotics increase the risk of infection, but the acquisition of infectious bacteria that can occur through contact with these intestines is shocking, by recognizing the head.

We have found that antibiotics increase the risk of infection, but the acquisition of infectious bacteria that can occur through contact with these intestines is shocking, by recognizing the head. But a study by scientists from the University of Birmingham in the UK and the US National Institutes of Health found that antibiotics disrupt the body's immune system in the mouth, which means that infections in this area are not well managed.SOURCE SOURCE :- TRIBUNEPatients who have been prescribed antibiotics in hospitals to prevent sepsis and other bacterial infections have an increased risk of developing an infectious disease called candidiasis due to the body's immune system being compromised in the mouth, a new study warns.



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Friday, February 24, 2023



Have you put on a lot of weight over the years? Are you wondering where the cheeky teenager who could eat and drink anything without wearing or pounding has gone? Has "maybe tomorrow" become your mantra when you're thinking about taking action? Or have you sadly accepted that now you and I are ready to change and are busy?

Let me tell you that you are not with the right choices. It's not easy and nothing is if you want to experience success. There are a lot of promises about a staple diet or just doing one exercise and you will look like a picture, it is not true. I regret to inform you that it takes time, effort and above all mental discipline.                                         

Six years ago my weight had reached 83.5kg, the heaviest I had ever been, and at 44 it was becoming increasingly difficult to move. I looked around for a good gym offer and found a great deal. The only problem is that I find it hard to motivate myself to go. Yes it was easy to start after the induction you want to go in but after a few weeks I just wanted to go home after work and it was very crowded in the morning. How much extra money did I waste before cancelling? Does that story sound familiar?

Why don't you try running? One of the first things I discovered was the Couch-to-5K app. It is very exhilarating and starts with a split of running and walking till the 5km goal is reached. Running time is increased when running with 3 scheduled runs a week.

The next step is 5K Park Run, a global organization that inspires people. On Saturdays at 7am people of all ages, sizes and abilities gather at the start line. They track your progress and publish the results that morning. You can keep track of PB's and how you do against the competition.

After a short walk with a park run, the next step is to enter an organized program. They are well organized and have different distances to sign up for. This is an ideal opportunity to try the 10km. You have a specific date to target and can upgrade your training accordingly. The feeling one gets after covering 10 kms is amazing.

what next? You can enter more events trying to beat your 10K best time, but what about a half marathon. When you do these events you'll see half marathon runners come in and think "I can do that." And you can, it's just another goal to aim for. It will take some more training but you will get there.

Remember that the first person you're competing against is you, and you didn't get here just to get here.

Or have you sadly accepted that now you and I are ready to change and are busy? It's not easy and nothing is if you want to experience success. There are a lot of promises about a staple diet or just doing one exercise and you will look like a picture, it is not true. I regret to inform you that it takes time, effort and above all mental discipline. Yes it was easy to start after the induction you want to go in but after a few weeks I just wanted to go home after work and it was very crowded in the morning. It is very exhilarating and starts with a split of running and walking till the 5km goal is reached. You can keep track of PB's and how you do against the competition. You have a specific date to target and can upgrade your training accordingly. And you can, it's just another goal to aim for. Remember that the first person you are competing against is you, and you did not get here just to get here.

You have a specific date to target and can upgrade your training accordingly. It's not easy and nothing is if you want to experience success. Remember that the first person you are competing against is you, and you did not get here just to get here. And you can, it's just another goal to aim for.Or Or have you sadly accepted that now you and I are ready to change and are busy? It is very exhilarating and starts with a split of running and walking till the 5km goal is reached. There are a lot of promises about a staple diet or just doing one exercise and you will look like a picture, it is not true. You can keep track of PB's and how you do against the competition.

A Detailed History of ProNail Complex

A Detailed History of ProNail Complex A Detailed History of ProNail Complex Introduction ProNail Complex is a revolutionary product in the ...


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